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It’s no secret that data, analytics, and reports drive better business results.

This is particularly true in the contact center and CX landscapes, where companies are constantly under increasing pressure to enhance customer interactions. In a world where consumers expect interactions on every channel to be more convenient, simplistic, and personalized, data is often the key to consumer engagement and retention.

However, companies must be cautious about sharing information with team members. In today’s remote and hybrid work world, contact center agents don’t have time to switch between their contact center dashboard, their CRM system, and numerous data reports during each call.

Teams need a unified desktop, to instantly access all of the information and resources they need to stay productive and efficient.

So, how do you provide the insights teams need without causing data overload and consuming too much desktop real estate? The simple answer is responsive elements.

What are Responsive Wallboard Components?

Today’s contact center wallboards aren’t just static pages filled with information. With the right technology, companies can create dynamic, innovative dashboards designed to empower, motivate, and inform agents throughout the customer journey.

Responsive wallboard components are dynamic parts of the agent wallboard, which can adapt and change over time based on simple automated triggers. Rather than showing agents a set of metrics that update once per hour, companies can use responsive components to provide real-time insights into everything from CSAT and NPS scores to average call handling times.

It’s even possible to create interactive components within the dashboard, such as a button that illuminates red when a critical issue occurs, providing agents with more in-depth information at the click of a button. Responsive dashboard and wallboard components can be used to enhance the employee and customer experience strategically:

  • Instant CRM insights: When an agent starts a conversation with a customer, a dashboard integrated with your CRM system could surface a clickable customer profile with information about past purchases, contact preferences, and more, allowing agents to deliver a more personalized customer experience.
  • Alerts and updates: Responsive alerts and notifications can keep agents up to date on emerging technical issues, customer problems, or trends in the workplace, allowing them to rapidly deliver support without seeking extra insights from supervisors.
  • Scrolling metrics: A scrolling carousel of crucial metrics can help agents to monitor their performance in the contact center, boosting engagement and driving opportunities for improvement. This strategy can foster healthy competition, motivating remote employees to stay ahead of their colleagues.
  • Real-time guidance: Intelligent notifications can provide agents with instant next-best-action guidance based on analytics, AI insights, and reports about each customer, boosting their chances of successfully achieving business goals.
  • Customer journey insights: Throughout interactions with customers, companies can leverage responsive components to show them how the conversation is going in real time. Insights into customer sentiment, intent, and other data can immediately inform agents when they need to change tactics or consider contacting a supervisor for help.

Companies can even create responsive components based on each staff member’s specific needs. Agents can see summary reports and alerts on their performance, while supervisors track service level metrics, incoming call numbers, and overall team results.

Unlocking the Power of Dynamic Data

While historical reports shared with teams during regular meetings can provide insights into the growth and development of a company’s CX strategy, they’re not what agents need now. Today’s team members need to be able to access up-to-date information in the most convenient format possible to stay productive and deliver exceptional experiences.

Responsive wallboard components that provide instant access to insights without consuming crucial agent desktop space have never been more critical in today’s hybrid and remote work age. Discover how to improve your team’s performance, motivate your staff, and consistently optimize your CX strategy with Geomant today.

Our dynamic, customizable, and innovative wallboard and agent dashboard tools ensure you can always empower your employees with the right data, visuals, and guidance.

Contact us to revolutionize your contact center

with tailored solutions designed to boost efficiency and elevate the customer experience. Your path to operational excellence and superior customer service begins here!

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