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Agent Desktop Real Estate Challenges

Keeping Agents informed and empowered with access to crucial notifications, data, and tools is important in any CX strategy. However, in an environment where customer journeys are growing more complex, and team members rely on countless tools to preserve excellent customer satisfaction, the Agent desktop screen can quickly become cluttered and overly complex.

Recent studies show that Agents typically open three application windows for each customer interaction and can have up to twenty tabs or windows open at any given time during the day. In addition to the navigation challenge during customer calls, the Agents deal with a “desktop reset” at the conclusion of interactions.

To achieve consistent results, Agents need to navigate simple, streamlined, and intuitive interfaces, built to address their specific needs. When team members are overwhelmed by endless disconnected tools for activity tracking and communication, each with numerous notifications, their engagement and productivity levels can suffer.

The Major Challenges Harming Agent Desktop Experiences

Today’s companies are quickly learning that excellent customer experiences begin with fantastic Agent experiences. If employees are struggling with complex collections of tools and cluttered screens, they can’t focus on improving customer satisfaction and loyalty with personalized support.

Some of the main challenges include:

  • Complexity: Many Agent desktops are increasingly less user-friendly, particularly as companies deploy various disconnected tools. This can lead to Agent frustration, confusion, and mistakes.
  • Cluttered screens: Complex Agent desktops are more difficult to use when cluttered with too much information. Agents must access various types of data and tools with everything organized in a simple and clean interface. Allowing employees to personalize their experience, place different information into specific tabs and sections, and remove unnecessary information results in a more efficient workflow.
  • Limited integrations: Lack of integration between crucial systems like CRM tools and contact center technologies means employees waste time navigating between multiple windows in search of needed information and applying redundant customer updates manually. Not only does this frustrate employees, but it can also lead to data silos in an organization.

Creating an Intuitive Agent Experience

For contact center Agents to thrive in today’s complex landscape, they need access to intuitive, streamlined desktops and dashboards.

One suggestion to help declutter the screen is to provide a smaller footprint for those applications that are not business critical 100% of the time.

The Agent performance dashboard is an example of an application that can be minimized when action is not required. A typical customer implementation and setup would leverage a very small footprint (logos or icons work well) that change color when action is needed. The Agent then expands the application window by drilling down to see supporting actionable information.

Another requested implementation method is to provide employee or HR information in the dashboard by default, such as motivational graphics or messages. When performance metrics drop below a set threshold, the messages or graphics change to indicate the recommended action.

SaveOnSP, a Geomant client, recently implemented a dashboard solution to address some of the screen real-estate challenges mentioned above. The intuitive Geomant Agent Dashboard provides the Agent with a unified way to access crucial information without being overwhelmed by data. It allows SaveOnSP to customize Agent dashboards to suit each Agent’s need and integrate with valuable existing tools.

With Geomant, companies can build powerful yet streamlined wallboards, dashboards, and Agent desktops designed to boost productivity for in-office, remote, and hybrid Agents. There’s also the option to create mobile user wallboards and unify data across contact center channels, ticketing tools, CRMs, and workforce management software.

With a host of certified and custom connection options, businesses can bridge the gaps between the tools their employees use to deliver excellent customer service. Geomant’s wallboard technology can transform the Agent dashboard without interfering with other applications and can improve staff engagement.

Above all, Geomant allows companies to create happier, more satisfied team members. Agents are more comfortable with simple and straightforward systems, and happy Agents lead to more satisfied customers. Reach out to Geomant today to find out how you can overcome the everyday challenges of the Agent desktop.

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