Smart guide: Microsoft Teams Contact Centers

Microsoft Teams is the number one tool for UCaaS and collaboration on the market today. 

With 115 million daily active users, Microsoft helps connect teams, improve information sharing, and align business ecosystems. With the right integrations, Microsoft Teams can also deliver an incredible contact center experience.  

So, how do you use Microsoft Teams as the hub of your contact center strategy? This guide will tell you everything you need to know.  

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Microsoft Teams Contact Center – Is Native Important?

Today’s contact center agents are constantly jumping between different systems to deliver the best experiences to end customers. Not only are modern brands taking a more flexible, omnichannel approach to service, but they’re also interacting with colleagues through various backend channels too. The more separate systems a company needs, the more inefficiency and friction grows.  

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How to Build a Future-Proof CX Strategy

Best Practices for Building Resilient, Future-Proof Contact Center Operations Today

The magnitude of COVID-19 has changed life forever in 2020. In the face of adversity, contact center leaders rewrote the rulebook to launch customer experience (CX) innovations to weather the storm. As the crisis subsides, leading companies are looking to claw back losses and focus on gaining efficiency and cost-savings momentum while also improving customer and employee experiences. Traditional contact center models won’t be enough to recoup what’s been lost. Organizations are rethinking their contact center operations by doubling-down on the innovations that got them through the crisis; like remote workforces, intelligent automation, and cloud technology.

This strategy guide offers 7 key strategies to build resilient, future-proof contact center operations to win now and in the future.

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