Desktop Connect Video: Joining your Avaya telephony system with Salesforce

Want to connect Avaya & Salesforce so that agents can work from one system? This video is a must-watch. See the benefits of Desktop Connect and click to sign up for a free trial.

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The hidden cost of poor systems integration in the contact centre

Making sure that there’s consolidation of underlying systems in the contact centre is a big part of creating a technology ecosystem that is sustainable. Contact centre integration between the telephony and customer relationship management (CRM) system is an example of good consolidation which has a lot of benefits when implemented in the right way. But what happens when it’s done badly? In this blog, we explore the hidden cost of poor systems integration and give some recommendations on how to overcome challenges.

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Why is it important to upgrade your contact centre software?

Hi, my name is Rhiannon Fae, and I am the Service Delivery Manager for the UK and Americas at Geomant. I have worked in the IT service delivery, operations and service management industry for the last 20 years. The world we work in has evolved a lot in that time! The contact centre has probably changed beyond recognition, there are no longer banks of phones on desks, they have been replaced with softphones on the PC or laptop.  Now, a combination of software applications are joined together to provide the end-user with the tools they need to deliver the services expected by the 21st-century customer who in turn has multiple channels available to them to invoke that contact.

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What’s Wrong with Custom Development? A personal perspective.

What is custom development anyway?

When I talk about ‘custom development’ in this blog, I’m talking about developing something on a one-off basis for a specific customer need or request. Custom development in this context varies considerably from ‘product development’ where you have a technical team in place with a clear development roadmap. 

I feel that custom development vs product development has some problems which I’m going to outline in this blog.

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The Evolution of the Right Call Centre Metrics

You have now invested in a call centre wallboard system. The displays are up, the smell of new electronics is in the air, and everything looks exquisite. You have brought your centre into the 21st century with cutting edge signage. You have the largest screens possible, and every agent has a direct line of view to at least one display. Now, for the most crucial part of this installation:

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Top tips for tackling agent attrition in the call centre

With unemployment rates in the U.S. hovering around 2.5%,  it is becoming more important to hold on to the contact centre employees that companies already have in place. The pool of qualified applicants grows smaller because of lower unemployment rates but also for other reasons, such as potential employees becoming more discerning of not only the job descriptions but also taking in to account the corporate culture of a prospective employer, the online reviews of previous employees and word of mouth via social media about a company.

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Why you should track your customer interactions in the call centre


Customer relationship management is an approach to manage a company’s interaction with current and potential customers. The objective of the approach is to improve the relationship between the customer and the business to improve retention rates and drive sales.  The central element, essential for good customer relationship management is reliable, full-context customer histories, without this data a company would struggle to manage relationships effectively.  In this blog, we’ll delve in further and look in more detail at why it’s important to manage customer interactions effectively across the whole business. 

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