Remote work is here to stay. Whether your workforce is entirely remote, like 16% of modern brands, or you’re leveraging the new trend of hybrid work, you’re going to be dealing with distributed employees in one way or another.
The Talent Shortage: Is it a Contact Center or HR Challenge?
If my home project was a Wallboard…
The next example in our series reflects something that all home owners can sympathize with. If my home project was a Wallboard is the next theme showcasing some relatable, real-time statistics along with some alerts and inspirational images. Our team had fun coming up with these and sharing stories of successful projects…and some unsuccessful ones.
Who is Using Your Company Wallboard?
Company wallboards and agent dashboards are fantastic sources of carefully-curated information designed to empower and enlighten your entire contact center staff. A wallboard can transform raw data from your contact center and productivity tools into actionable information capable of combining historical insights with real-time updates.
Which Deployment Method is Best? Cloud, On-Prem, or Hybrid?
Technical solutions for contact centers, communications, and essential operations can all be accessed in a range of different formats and deployment methods.
Maximizing the Benefits of At-home Agents
Most experts agree the future of work in a post-pandemic landscape will be defined by “hybrid” schedules. While not every professional will necessarily be able to work consistently from home, remote operations and flexible schedules are likely to continue.
Sight-Friendly Stats: How to Design Wallboards to Reduce Eyestrain
Screen time has grown consistently over the last decade with displays being incorporated on things now such as doorbells, refrigerators, and watches. Screen time is heavily incorporated into workdays now too of course, especially with the addition of remote work.
Customer Service vs. Customer Support
Customer service and customer support are terms often used interchangeably. And it’s easy to see how these concepts can get confused. After all, the end goal of both customer service and customer support is to deliver a fantastic experience to your customer. However, the steps involved in cultivating customer satisfaction with customer support and service can be very different.
May the 4th Be With You (Wallboard Edition)
As we continue with our Geomant Wallboard campaign, we decided to coincide our next release with May 4th…or as we all know it….May the 4th be with you. Wallboard edition.
Updating Your Measurements of Success for 2022
Bad customer experience costs companies an average of $75 billion per year. To compete with other market leaders, maintain consumer loyalty, and minimize turnover, companies must constantly invest in improving and optimizing their customer experience strategy. An important part of this strategy starts with evaluating and enhancing the contact center.