An Evolution: From Call Center to Contact Center
The age of the old-fashioned “call center” is over. The business landscape for customer service, support, and sales is no longer simply a room filled with ringing phones. Instead, companies need something more comprehensive to ensure customer satisfaction, outshine the competition, and thrive in a digital age. The era of the “contact center” is here.
The Operational Data Your Wallboard Solution Needs
Data is the key to running any successful business. The more information you have about your team, marketplace, and customers, the more effective you can perform.
If my dog was a Wallboard…
As we continue onto our the next part of our new series, we highlight what we think our loyal companions would consider when designing their own wallboard. A carousel of images including their favorite treats, important data surrounding the neighbor squirrel situation, and urgent alerts such as when the next delivery driver is arriving would all be important for furry friend. As you can see, anyone can customize a Geomant Wallboard to ensure it provides the most important, real-time data for their needs. Keep following along to see what other customizations and features we highlight next month.
Geomant’s Top 10 Metrics for Your Wallboard (Part 2)
Our last blog covered some of the most important metrics you can add to your wallboard to focus, align, and educate your team.
Geomant’s Top 10 Metrics for Your Wallboard (Part 1)
A wallboard is a powerful and engaging way to keep your entire team on the same page regarding critical performance metrics in the contact center.
Are Customers Calling as a Last Resort?
Increasingly, studies show most consumers prefer to use self-service or digital communication tools to solve problems and interact with brands. Although human voice still has value to offer in the right circumstances, most customers prefer the opportunity to avoid interaction with an agent whenever possible.
Business Continuity in the Contact Center
If most companies have learned anything from the last two years, it’s that you can never be too prepared. Even the most cautious organizations saw their worlds turned upside down when the pandemic hit. If a business didn’t have a digital strategy or cloud-based approach, it needed to rapidly pivot its entire business model or risk closing the doors for good.
If my Valentine was a Wallboard…
Throughout 2022, our team will be sharing a new series with you entitled, ‘If my life was a wallboard…’. This series highlights some of the features and customization options of our Geomant Wallboard solution, while showcasing how our team views fun and interesting aspects of life. Follow along and see how we imagine things through the eyes of a wallboard.
Microsoft Teams Offers Unique Support for Local Government
Local governments are facing increasing pressure as locations worldwide struggle to initiate the best possible post-pandemic environment. Like businesses across the globe, governments are dealing with the sudden shift to remote or hybrid work, paired with higher expectations and increased needs from the people they serve.