Why Unify Your CRM & Contact Center Solutions?

Around 54% of customers say they would abandon a company after just one bad experience. This means all it takes is one negative interaction, and you could lose one of your most valuable clients. With the rise of social media, customers are becoming increasingly vocal about their negative interactions with brands. This could mean a poor experience damages your reputation and makes it harder to attract new customers.

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Our Statement About the Avaya Debt Restructuring

As you have heard, Avaya has announced it has filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection and debt restructuring. As a long-time Avaya partner, we want to take this opportunity to wish Avaya all the best in their restructuring process. We also want to emphasize that the most important thing during this time is to ensure Avaya users have a flawless operation and our global team of experts are ready and willing to continue to support all Avaya customers.

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The Partner-Friendly Way of Operating

According to The Association of Strategic Alliance Professionals, ‘research has shown that upwards of 50 percent of alliances fail when not properly managed.’ While these alliances are one of the most effective ways for any brand to grow, there needs to be a recognition of the time and effort it takes to manage and strengthen these partnerships. For service providers, these relationships are a way to unlock new services and benefits for your customers, increase your value, and differentiate yourself from your competitors. But not every company treats partnerships with the same dedication, commitment, and respect.

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