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It’s All in the Details: The Value of Call Details

The minor details can make the most significant difference to customer experience and satisfaction scores. Something simple (like an agent calling a customer by name or instantly understanding the reason for their call) can help to transform a sub-par experience into an excellent one.

Unfortunately, getting all the little details in a customer interaction just right can be more complex than it seems. Today’s agents handle hundreds of calls and conversations daily, and discussions with customers are becoming more complicated.

To make matters worse, agents are under severe pressure to perform at a time when over 66% of consumers are likely to abandon a brand after a poor customer service experience. This means every service employee and sales rep needs to be empowered with the right tools to monitor, track, and leverage the details that make excellent interactions.

For business leaders, investing in solutions that allow employees to track, record, and manage critical details more quickly could be the key to delivering truly differentiated customer service.

The Importance of Call Details in the Contact Center

Today’s customers are more demanding than ever. They expect companies to deliver sensational, personalized support across multiple channels without compromising speed and efficiency. They also want the companies they work with to understand their unique needs without constantly repeating themselves to different service agents.

Around 73% of customers expect companies to understand what they need when interacting with the brand. So, how do companies ensure they’re living up to those expectations? By providing a means to easily summarize call information during and after a call, agents can record and then access the correct details from each call.

Call details allow agents to access vital information about a customer, their previous experiences with the brand, which products or services they access, and even what problems they might have encountered. The right call data can even provide behind-the-scenes insights into customer preferences, relevant personal details, and strategies companies can use to boost satisfaction.

With ready-to-access call details, agents can instantly determine the intent behind each call, defining whether a customer is calling back to follow up on an issue or whether they’re getting in touch for the first time after purchasing a new solution. Having this information readily available ensures agents can tailor their service to the needs of the customer, as well as:

  • Delivering more personalized, humanized, and convenient levels of service.
  • Speeding up issue resolution without asking customers to repeat themselves.
  • Minimizing the need for call transfers or putting customers on hold while agents seek additional information about an issue.

How to Make the Most of Call Details

Access to call details can determine whether an agent’s conversation with a customer will boost retention and loyalty or increase churn risk.

The problem is logging and recording information from every call can be a time-consuming and frustrating process for agents. It extends the call wrap-up process and leaves agents less time to focus on serving customers. In some cases, rushed teams and missing standard operating procedures mean the correct information goes uncaptured during conversations.

Fortunately, there is an alternative solution. With the right technology, companies can automatically log call activities, save important details, and even upload information to relevant CRM records in seconds. The Geomant Desktop Connect service allows companies to automate call logging and ensures agents can rapidly access details when needed.

It’s even possible to handle customer interactions from within a built-in customer activity tracker or initiate calls from a customer record detail page, so agents can access all the contextual information they need in one place without loading up extra tools.

Find out how Geomant’s Desktop Connect service can help your agents master excellent customer experiences right down to the last detail by contacting Geomant today.

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