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The Building Blocks of Outstanding CX: Aligned Channels

In a world where consumers have more power, many are beginning to expect more from the companies they share their loyalty with. Your customers want you to interact with them across more channels, deliver more personalized experiences, and invest in more consistency.

While companies that adhere to these expectations can access amazing benefits, from higher retention rates to increased customer lifetime value, brands that fail to deliver fantastic customer service are struggling to survive. 89% of customers abandon a business entirely after a poor service experience.

Unfortunately, a problematic economy leaves businesses with tighter budgets when developing the ultimate CX strategy. As a result, brands need to invest in areas most likely to generate measurable results.

One of the best places to start is with an aligned omnichannel service strategy.

Aligning Channels for Excellent Customer Experiences

Customers increasingly rely more on than just phone calls to connect with companies. Modern consumers want to be able to connect with service and support agents at the times and places of their choice, and many are exploring a variety of options, from social media to live chat.

One of the best ways to enhance the customer service experience for your target audience is to provide them with communication options on the channels they prefer and ensure all these channels are synchronized on the backend for your agents.

A truly omnichannel approach to service, which allows contextual information to be retained as customers move from one communication platform to the next, ensures agents can deliver a more consistent, personalized, and stress-free experience. Geomant provides contact centers with an efficient way to synergize their communication channels to create customer service journeys that are scalable, intelligent, and efficient.

Companies can add new communication channels to their ecosystem, leveraging popular tools like WhatsApp and Viber alongside social media platforms (Instagram, Facebook DM, and Twitter), RCS, SMS, and web chat.

Enhancing the Omnichannel Service Experience

Geomant gives businesses the resources they need to create truly impactful experiences. With all their communication channels unified in one place, agents can quickly deliver exceptional service without compromising compliance, security, or personalization. What’s more, businesses can enhance the omnichannel experience even further with:

  • Chatbots: Unlock the power of self-service to reduce call volumes and deliver 24/7 support to your customers with transactional, predictive, and conversational bots, as well as powerful FAQ bots, perfect for solving everyday problems.
  • Analytics: Pull valuable insights from conversations with customers using intuitive tools for sentiment analysis. Find trends in historical data and real-time communication, understand the voice of the customer, and protect your reputation and brand over time.
  • Virtual queuing: Streamline the path to support with virtual queuing and appointment-setting tools. Allow your customers to arrange callbacks and prevent them from wasting crucial time sitting in a queue, waiting for a response.

Moreover, with Geomant’s agile and scalable technology, aligning your crucial CX tools in a single pane of glass is simple and painless. You can adapt your communication strategy to your customer’s needs over time, provide them with engaging interactions through video calls, and even take advantage of integrations with world-leading software and tools.

Start Building the Perfect CX Strategy

Developing the perfect CX strategy that aligns with the expectations of today’s customers starts with getting the framework for efficient, powerful conversations right. With an aligned and synchronized platform for omnichannel communications like Geomant, companies can meet their customers where they are, preserve context throughout conversations, and retain high levels of loyalty.

Learn how Geomant can give you the building blocks you need to develop stronger relationships with your customers today.

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